Such a blessing it was to have the opportunity to speak to Rohan about his journey with Microtia and Atresia. As a mom it was very comforting to speak to such a strong child who provided me with great insight on his experience. My son is three and we are currently in the process of deciding what our journey is going to look like. To be able to talk to Rohan and know we have hope for our son was more than any mom could ask for. I am so grateful that our paths crossed. Thanks to Rohan and his family.
-Lauren, Pennsylvania, March 2024
Even if I'm used to talk to children because of my profession, talking to Rohan was something special. Seeing a 10 years old boy telling me how he feels, how it is for him to have microtia, was like talking to my child that can't explain to me right now how is to have microtia. It was a blessing to me to talk to Rohan. He is so kind ready to help even a person from another continent that he has never seen before. I believe that all the kids with microtia are special, and Rohan is! If you are searching for a friend with microtia, Rohan is a great child, but if you just want to know more about microtia, he can explain to you from his own experience!
-Alexandra, Romania, November 2023
Thanks a lot Rohan for giving me your time to explain to me about your atresia surgery and the good outcomes. It has given me really good hope that my baby’s hearing will one day be ok. Thanks a lot Rohan.
-Moreen, Uganda, October 2023
Connect ClEARly is an amazing organization led by Rohan. As new parents to a child with Microtia & Atresia, we had a lot of questions about the future. Rohan was able to answer all of our questions and concerns. After speaking to him about his beautiful journey, we felt a bit at ease. Thank you so much for all that you do to help families who are new to microtia & atresia.
-Kiran, New York, July 2023
We are so grateful to have connected with sweet and kind Rohan. He gave up his own time to us and explained his journey with Microtia. He told us how he felt throughout the process which was so important for us to understand as parents of a child born with Microtia. Rohan was so kind, engaging in conversation with us about our daughter and we are immensely grateful for his help as we embark on our journey with our baby girl. Rohan - thank you. You are so selfless helping so many families across the world. Thank you for connecting with us, and helping us see a bit more clearly!
-Nay, London, England, August 2023
Words are not enough today to thank Rohan for taking the time out and speaking to a mum like me who is so desperate for so many answers. Talking to Rohan has put my mind at ease regarding so many things. He is doing amazing and please continue to do so as it is extremely helpful to parents like us. Thanks Rohan, my son Dasam would like to be a future friend and we would love to see you guys whenever you plan to come to Sydney, Australia. Many thanks again for today.
- Sandra, Australia January 2023
Prisha was very comfortable talking to Rohan. She was asking me if she can talk to Rohan whenever she feels like to, I mean whenever Rohan is available. Thank you so much Rohan. He is doing an amazing job. Prisha was so happy after talking to Rohan as she met someone like her.
- Sarita, Arizona January 2023
Rohan is amazing! I connected with him and his mom a few months after my son with LMA was born. I was amazed and touched by his openness and desire to create a strong community for kids born with microtia. Obviously, Rohan has walked this path at his ten years of age and has had to navigate many challenges we do and will find our kids in. He is a wonderful role model and the “knowing” kind friend any of us would wish for as kids. I am grateful for his and his family’s commitment to sharing all they have learned within this community. Already I think of them as family and hope to stay connected for life.
Thank you Rohan!!!
-Alyssa, California December 2022
We wanted to understand how unilateral microtia can affect a child’s development in coming years. So we connected with Rohan who was more than willing to share his journey with us. Initially we were not sure how to start a tough/personal question with a 10 years old kid but Rohan made the whole process very easy and open to us. This way we were able to get answers to almost all our questions and concerns. The interaction with him took away a lot of our worries. Great work kid
- Krishna, California December 2022
Thank you so much to Rohan!!! We so appreciate you taking the time and really sharing your journey with us. Rohan is SO impressive- he is so brave, articulate, kind and open- his family must be super proud of him.
It was really helpful for us to hear some of the details and ups and downs. I feel like the surgeries are fairly rare and we have only spoke to a hand full of people who have been through it. Rohan is the first child we have talked to about it. Hearing him talk about it and seeing his beautiful ear was so reassuring and inspiring for us.
We very much want to keep in touch.
Thank you so much!
-Tracy, California November 2020